Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sourdough Pizza Crust

This recipe makes 2 12-14 inch pizzas. I eliminate the salt and it tastes great without it. The sourdough starter is used for flavor, not for rising. You can let this dough rise however this will add a lot of time to the process.

2 cups sourdough starter
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon yellow corn meal

Mix the ingredients, except the corn meal, in a large glass or ceramic bowl until stiff. Transfer to a floured surface and knead to form smooth dough.

Depending on how much time you have, you can let the dough rest for a few hours, or rise, which will take 6-12 hours. The extra time will create a more sour flavor and will change the dough texture. I usually just let it rest for an hour or so and don't bother with the time for it to rise. If you are short on time you can use it immediately without resting.

Divide dough in half, knead a little more, and flatten with a rolling pin on a floured surface to make it as thin as you like. Be sure it is slightly larger than your pizza pan. Grease the pizza pan with oil, dust with corn meal. Lay the rolled dough onto the pan, and fold overlapping dough over the edge and pinch to form a nice crust edge. Prick the dough with a fork in multiple places in a regular pattern. This will keep the dough from puffing up and distorting.

Add toppings and bake at 425° until the bottom of the crust is golden brown.

For a crisper crust, pre-bake at 400° for about 5 minutes before adding toppings.

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